[Closed] AFR 006: Automated periodical swap of minted reward tokens to chosen ERC20

Delphi is all about automated investing in different crypto assets/pools while taking advantage of yield farming opportunities and using DCA to minimize volatility.

There should be an intuitive automated solution to take profit or reinvest the minted reward tokens.

My suggestion is to add such a feature as shown on the image below.

The most important is to keep the UI/UX simple.
Clicking on the settings button next to cash-out will show a pop-up with:

  1. What ERC20 you would like to get paid (Rewards swap).
  2. Cash-out wallet.

This feature could be extended over time to suit more sophisticated delphi users.


This looks awesome! I love it!


I think this is a very good idea and profits should be also put to work, for example into stablecoins savings pools


I love that! Indeed very good idea!
Maybe stable coins options like USDC, USDT


Yea this is pretty similar to PenchXs proposal here eh?


Yes, mine was already up here, when the forum wasn’t public yet :slight_smile: . I suggested it in the features channel on discord over 1 month ago

I support this proposal!

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